
    Empowering Afghan Girls Through Education: A Call to Action

    Empowering Afghan Girls Through Education: A Call to Action

    Desk News:

    In the wake of the Taliban’s edict banning secondary education for girls, the international community must unite to ensure that every young girl in Afghanistan has the opportunity to receive an education. Yasmine Sherif, the Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait (ECW), passionately advocates for this cause, emphasizing that denying education to girls constitutes a violation of universal human rights.

    Upholding the Right to Education
    Ms. Sherif’s powerful message resonates with urgency as she calls upon the international community to prioritize education for Afghan girls. She states unequivocally, “Denying education to girls is a violation of universal human rights.” It is imperative that the de facto authorities in Afghanistan take action to rectify this situation and enable every girl in the country to access quality education, thereby contributing to the reconstruction of their war-torn nation.

    A Startling Reality: Millions of Girls Denied Education
    Tragically, Ms. Sherif highlights the shocking statistic that currently, 80 percent of school-age Afghan girls are not attending classes. This means that 2.5 million girls are being denied their inherent human right to safety, protection, and the opportunity of education. This dire situation must be addressed promptly.

    ECW’s Support and Solidarity
    Education Cannot Wait (ECW) stands in solidarity with the courageous girls of Afghanistan who are speaking out for their right to education. To shed light on this pressing issue, ECW has launched the #AfghanGirlsVoices campaign, which will continue to raise awareness throughout the year.

    Educating for a Brighter Future
    In Ms. Sherif’s words, “Together, we must ensure that, through education, every girl in Afghanistan can emerge from the shadows so they can contribute to a brighter future which every Afghan so deserves.” This sentiment underscores the transformative power of education in rebuilding a nation torn apart by conflict.

    ECW’s Resilience Program in Afghanistan
    ECW is actively engaged in running a multi-year resilience program in Afghanistan, aiming to support over 250,000 children and young people in some of the country’s most remote and underserved areas. However, to fully implement this vital program, there is an urgent need for additional funding, with a $30 million shortfall. Furthermore, a new strategic plan requiring $670 million is essential to reach 20 million crisis-affected children worldwide over the next three years.

    In conclusion, it is not only the responsibility of Afghanistan’s de facto authorities but also the duty of the international community to ensure that Afghan girls receive the education they deserve. By investing in the education of these young girls, we are investing in the future of Afghanistan, fostering a brighter and more inclusive tomorrow for all Afghans.

    © এই নিউজ পোর্টালে প্রকাশিত/প্রচারিত কোনো লেখা, ছবি, ভিডিও পূর্বানুমতি ছাড়া ব্যবহার বেআইনি।
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